Good News is Good News
I had a warming conversation yesterday with a lady we were able to help with her repossession order.
Long story short, she got in touch with us as a last resort as she was (in her words) “at my wits end” after receiving a notice to apply for a repossession order from her lender.
After booking an appointment with us, we were able to have an informal chat about where she was right now and what could be done about it. After analysing her situation, the conclusion we came to was that she had a few options open to her and all it needed was to spend a couple of hours putting a plan together and then drumming up the courage to call her lender and put the plan to them.
Our call ended with her making a commitment to herself that she was going to take action straight away.
Six days later, I received a phone call from her and she was sounding really upbeat, so different from when I had spoken to her the week previous. True to her word, she had come up with a budget, made a plan and called her lender. After a couple of tense moments she finally managed to get through to someone that was empathetic in understanding her situation and listened to what she wanted to put forward.
The outcome was so positive that this lady felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders and even though she is not completely “out of the woods” yet, her journey to overcoming the threat of a repossession order had started in earnest.
This got me thinking that with all the doom and gloom that is currently being spread around, how good is it to hear Good News??