By Jonathan Gardner

Is renting your home an option whilst in mortgage arrears?

Is renting your home an option whilst in mortgage arrears? Mortgage arrears can make the pressure of keeping up with payments while managing other financial responsibilities really overwhelming. However, there are several strategies to consider that might help ease the pain, one of which is renting out your property. Obviously this can only be an […]

Is renting your home an option whilst in mortgage arrears? Read More »

Helping Homeowners? What the Major Parties Are Promising?

Helping Homeowners? What the Major Parties Are Promising? As the UK heads to the polls today, homeowners with mortgages are keenly watching to see what the major political parties have to offer in terms of support. Mortgage stress and the challenges of homeownership are significant issues and each party has laid out plans to address

Helping Homeowners? What the Major Parties Are Promising? Read More »

Has Brexit affected the UK housing market?

Has Brexit affected the UK housing market? Brexit has undeniably impacted the UK housing market, with both immediate and long-term effects that are important for homeowners, especially those at risk of repossession. Initially, predictions around Brexit were dire, forecasting significant drops in house prices and a potential crash in the housing market. However, the actual

Has Brexit affected the UK housing market? Read More »

Need to sell your home quickly? What options do you have?

Need to sell your home quickly? What options do you have? Many homeowners find themselves grappling with the daunting reality of mortgage arrears. When the threat of repossession looms large, the pressure to sell a home quickly can become overwhelming. Understanding why and how to quicken this process is important for those seeking to minimise

Need to sell your home quickly? What options do you have? Read More »

Finding solutions during the home repossession process. 

Finding solutions during the home repossession process.  The journey through home repossession can feel overwhelming and hopeless at times. However, it’s important to understand that no matter where you are in the repossession process, it’s never too late to find a solution. With the right guidance and approach, there are various strategies and options available

Finding solutions during the home repossession process.  Read More »

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